Need help paying for college? To qualify for grants, loans, work study opportunities, and Lottery Tuition Assistance, your next step is to submit the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
For more details about completing your FAFSA, read more about FAFSA here.
If you have already completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree, you can opt to submit a FAFSA waiver. Contact for information.
Submit your FAFSA by the following GTC Priority dates in order to receive financial aid before the tuition payment deadline:
Fall – May 1
Spring – October 1
Summer – February 1
For in-person assistance with the FAFSA, visit the computer lab in the Student Success Center (Bldg 102) on the Barton campus.
Remember to check your college Gmail account regularly – this will be the primary communication channel for official information from Greenville Tech.
Financial Aid assistance without the wait in line. Sign in to our virtual line!